First Flight

Today J had his first flight! We are visiting my family (except for my Dad because he is away at a school for work). It was a bit bumpy at first. Not the flight :) I’ll admit I cried a little the first flight mind you it was a four -almost five- hour flight. I got a middle seat in the middle of the cabin next to two older gentlemen. Well at least one of then was a gentleman the other was quite grumpy. But J really was mostly very good, he only screamed about four short bursts and then was just really squirmy the whole time. The gentleman that occupied the window seat next to me was so sweet offering to hold j if I wanted to use the restroom and made very pleasant conversation and handled J’s curious pokes, stares and screams extremely well telling me not to “dare be sorry” when I said it about a million times. The aisle occupant however was a whole different story. Many sighs and plugging of the ears. He did end up falling asleep for awhile (j not the annoyed gentleman). After the flight was over the annoyed gentleman’s wife told me how adorable J was and I overheard her say “see? That wasn’t so bad!” It made me feel a bit better but also thinking it may have been a cover up for get husbands rude behavior. Right now we are on our final connection to the Oklahoma City Airport and so far so good J was all excited and laughing and playing but before the plane even took off he was nursing and fast asleep and is still sleeping in my arms as I one handedly type this :) Oh how sweet my sleeping little boy is. I don’t have any pictures because I was so worried about remembering everything to bring for J that I didn’t remember to bring a camera with me… ugh. Oh well, hopefully my mom will let me use hers while I visit. But we do have a little memorabilia for J! I wanted something to commemorate not only J’s flight but also his first Fourth of July but I felt guilty because since D is working the holiday and I’m flying we didn’t plan anything to celebrate. Anyway, a sweet woman stopped us before our gate and gave J a Teddy bear pilot complete with a leather bomber jacket, scarf and matching goggles :) so cute! Well I’m going rest my weary typing thumb here and call it a day!

Sent from my iPod

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